Wednesday, 10 February 2010


to tell you at the moment, but since Google chrome loves me and allows me to enter a blogger page, the opportunity shall be seized to update this blog.

But, I've got nothing to tell you.
So how? Leave it blank? Can also.

no point highlighting la. no hidden words white in between.

Finished watching A Chip Off The Old Block. The ending is like hanging. They didn't tie up loose ends. Based on my 10 years of TVB knowledge, they will normally make a sequel but now there is no news on this series also.
Next drama will be TVB's warehouse series: Cupid Stupid then maybe finish off Moonlight Resonance which I stopped after episode 15.

Yup, I've turned into the old TVB-drama-freak again.


Andrew.C said...

ohmygawd you've got me. I was actually highlighting those blank spots. LOL!

chLoe said...

hehee =)))))