A torn smelly cardboard box drenched in the rain sitting by the dumpster.
The soggy cardboard box is drenched in the rain because it is so naive. So vulnerable to freaks of nature, thinking it is fun. And cool. Not knowing when nature will take its cause it to turn to a soggy piece of thing. Stupid box sitting by the dumpster absolutely unwanted, wondering what would happen if it removed the ugly white masking tape from its body and replaced it with a pretty brown one years ago. Would it be sitting by the dumpster today? The box asks if things would have been different if it was not square. Would it still be torn and tattered? Or would it be a prized posession? The stupid box sits by the dumpster and wonders if it did not change itself into a shallower box just to protect itself from bearing heavier goods, would the box be carrying more substance today? The box has so much to bear but everything seems to flow away with the rain water on the ground. Washed away together with dumpster juice.
I'm that stupid smelly cardboard box.
I need a shower.
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