Sunday, 12 March 2006

Reach [Not] The Wind

The wind comes when it’s unwanted
But leaves when help is needed
It leaves its trails wherever it goes:
Cool breezes on verdant hills
In the cotyledon
Of the young green shoot
It does create a stir sometimes
And the aftermath isn’t a pretty sight

The wind is just another element of nature
That does no good to anyone, sometimes
It kept a distance from the shoot
After leaving it swaying with uprooted roots
It isn’t included in the photosynthesis process
So the young green shoot can survive without it
It is just a cameo to the shoot
An important element,

Unimportant at all
That the shoot wants to bypass and forget
For it just leaves memories
Memories that mean nothing.


Sharon R said...

itz nice! n since when ure so scientific?!

chLoe said...

well, itz not scientific ler... itz juz an analogy... or wateva 'logy' it is... neva been able 2 diffrenciate all da 'logies'...
Wrote it two sundays ago tho... so things may change during the two weeks.