Dreams last for so long
Even after you're gone
I know, that you love me
And soon I know you will see
You were meant for me
And I was meant for you.
My aunt drove to KLCC at night and the view of the city was s.p.e.c.t.a.c.u.l.a.r. It took my breath away.
Next time, I'll walk walk walk around Bintang Walk with Lam Fung linked to my arm. We'll window shop near KLCC then when it's time, we'll head to the orchestra.
Of course we'll get the box seats above so that we can have a better view of the musicians.
Enjoying the music,
enjoying each other's company.
After the event, we'll head to Dome's Cafe for supper and sit outdoors overlooking KLCC's dancing fountain and chat over their pie.
Dome's Cafe bakes the BEST pie ever!
Suddenly, pretty fireworks light up the dark sky.
We look up and admire the colourful fireworks that exploded miles away from ground level...
...after it ends(which will last a long time until our necks oso pain aredi), we'll chat and chat and chat until the Dome people shoo us out...
The blissful times we will share together...
The orchestra was great! I'm kinda music illiterate so I don't know how to describe music but all can say was that I enjoyed every second of it.
The theme was Italian and Spanish someting.
Music played:
The Three-Cornered Hat
-Dance of the Neighbours (Seguidillas)
-Dance of the Miller (Farruca)
-Dance Finale (Jota)
Nights in the Garden of Spain
-In the Generalife
-Distant Dance
-In the Gardens of the Sierra de Cordoba
The Fountains Of Rome
The Pines Of Rome
I wore pants.
I got no proper skirt.
I got 3 out of fashioned bohomean skirts, 1 mini STRICTLY for holidays only, and school baju kurung's kurung.
But I didn't look 'wad' lor. I dressed properly.
Supper at Dome's Cafe. Still lotsa people at 11.30pm.
Reached home at around 1am, terus slept and never twitched until mum woke me up to join her for RPM.
And here I am reporting to you about my day, and my other days which I successfully went through.
Chloe, dreaming out.
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