Sunday, 14 June 2009

Sorry For The Lack of Updates

For the past few says, my confidence level has dropped from 1 million to almost a few negatives below 0. That's like turning a million notches down. Not to mention that I've become more 'private' due to that matter, hence the lack of updates.

Took me a few days to crawl out of my hermit shell to post this up.

No, I haven't been emoing. Emoing is not my thing. I hope. But i'm 102% sure it's not emo. I just somehow lost the entire collection of self-esteem I have collected throughout the years.

So if you don't like the current me, I don't really care. Really.


ONION said...

don't lie tat u don't care...

ONION said...

nways Gambatte... life is hard... that how it works i guess... but pray...cheer up.....