So why the repeatation?
Same lah, dat Suria(you'll get to know her later) she'll say 'cuba try ini yang saya masak'.
Translation-Try to try this that I cooked'
May cause upside down tummies, or tummies will turn inside out. Do not continue reading with a full stomach.
1)Get a bucket
2) Get lotsa tissues
1) Turn your body and face the toilet so that you won't run lintang-pukang later.
Don't say I didnt warn you...
It's rice, kacang, chopped long beans, vege n sum othr stuff all mixed together with thisGREEN soup.
I'm sorry... I won't be rude anymore.
On the not so gross side...
While waiting for our parents at church, Jela, Grace n I camwhored. Here's one of the many pictures I took. Damn couldn't upload anymore.
I tried not to look chubby on the cheeks =((((
I suppose we weren't the only ones who camwhored...
*echos heard* 'Hello Suria'
Meet Surya(Suria) my maid, who took my camera supposedly 'mau tengok gambar' la. Well she did then took a pic of herself then burst out laughing in the car.
Didn't know till I got home.
LOL, i thought it's cute so I decided to post it here.
I dun mean cute as in kawaii la. Cute as in funnily funny but not the funny haha typa funny.
Muahaha!! I told her that I'm going to post in online where everybody can see.
Chloe, signing out, blog hopping time!
Yea..memang chubby ledi too much 'couch-potatoing' :p
Oh gosh... that pic make you look so London Tipton! maybe the hair, perhaps the smile. =)
wong- I'm eating erything i can get my hands on. namely stuff i cudnt eat for d past 3 mths.
OMG OMG OMG now only i know she's your maid!
hello suria
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