Tuesday, 4 January 2011

So Pik Wah introduced me to

and I kinda sorta enjoyed it abit alot. It has a nice beat. Catchy sial. It even has a hokkien part.

and this is about...

...Jay himself. This song has a music video but I chose to embed this because the translations are more meaningful than the ones I found with the mv. You probably wanna watch the this 1st before watching the mv. But if you have a pictorial/graphic memory, then you should watch the mv before reading the translations(I'm assuming that my reader/readers cannot understand mandarin)

I've never been a jaychou fan, nor a listener, but these two are superb (aside from QiLiXiang and TingMamaDeHua and a few others.Hehee).

The lyrics is apparently about himself and how tough his life has been while being a celebrity. The 1st time I listened to it while watching the mv made me fall in love with the song because I thought it was about a person who is unable to do everything as expected ie: saving the dogs etc. Manatau there is isi tersirat. How i wish i understood mandarin. It would have made it more beautiful.

So now I'm alternating both songs on youtube. One is so cheerful and the other mellow in a touching way. Both contrasting songs kinda damages the emotions if you listen to them back to back to back to back, no? You know what, screw the songs. I'll click the 'X' button on youtube.