Friday, 28 December 2007
Tried looking for links for you to listen to it but I couldn't find it. Might as well give you the names instead. I listen to songs that emphasize on their voices. Voices that are melodious.
All I Ask of You-Sarah Brightman & Cliff Richard
Phantom of The Opera- Sarah Brightman & Steve Harley
Music of the Night- Michael Crawford
Amigos Para Siempre- Jose Carreras & Sarah Brightman
All four songs are from famous plays by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Teeheeheee... yeah, S.Brightman and A.L.Webber again...
Anyway, there's one song which I particularly like. I like the tune. Will post the lyrics (& song if I can find it) on new year's eve.
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
Boxing Day 2007
This year, 2007 is also a year where I wasn’t in a Chrismassy mood at all. The 25th was just like any other day I go through... Unlike last year, I was already in the Christmas mood in September. I remember because I was supposed to study Sejarah but I ended up thinking of such fun I shall have on Christmas.
I'm beginning to feel like a grinch O____o
Anyway, I was supposed to
I spent the whole 'morning' (note: 10am-4pm) watching the original Pride and Prejudice by BBC.
Everything is exactly like what the book says, from the characters to the looks of the character & their expressions, including the details of their homes and the diffrence of the wealth between Mr. Bingley and Mr.Darcy through the horses used at their wedding.
After I watched P&P by BBC, I decided to watch the Hollywood version by Keira Knightly.
Nothing =)
Oh, Happy Belated Christmas! =P
The air is still.
The air is calm
Nothing is moving.
A change of the weather climate.
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
The ex-wife of famous writer of many famous plays including Phantom of The Opera and Evita.

Sarah has a very strong voice,
"What is amazing about Sarah is that she has two voices, really. She can produce a pop, contemporary sound, but she can also blossom out into a light soprano. The soprano part of her voice can go up to an E natural above high C. She doesn’t sing it full out, but it is there. Of course, she has to dance while she is singing some of the time, so it’s all the more extraordinary."-David Caddick, Phantom's conducter quoted.
Chun hor?
Voices are something people hear, be it in songs or even conversation.
I like the voice of Lam Fung.
I like the voice of the gym instructor too.
yala... voice la...
Haha! Normally you would hear people swooning about the gym instructor's macho body on how hot they are and their 6 packs... biceps...triceps...pieseps~
but I fell in love with his voice pulak...tsk... tsk...
Serious. His voice is sexy.
Chloe, hitting the gym...tomorrow. Nooo... Not because of the instructor. It's because Clo wants to save space on the face of the earth. I don't want to be fat and take up so much space on the face of the earth. It's better to save it for people who need it. So I will do my best to use less of the capacity.
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Windy Day =)
I like this year’s Christmas prezzie. It’s a Parker pen with my name engraved on it.
Christmas isn't a festival I really celebrate. It's just a time where I hang out with my family-not that we never hang out, but duringt this time, my mum cooks extra special stuff and my other family members bring their special stuff too. =D
But that's not my favourite part. I love the feeling of warmth during this season. It makes me
...not because it's Christmas... it's because...I don't know... this feeling is quite diffrent... this season kinda gives me inspirations to write a nice story. A good one that makes you feel all warm inside.
The thing is... I write better on the good old fashioned paper and pen... So you might or might not be able to read my Christmas masterpiece =P
Laa~ Aku tau belum Christmas lagi. Buat-buat macam Christmas aje. Aku rasa nostalgia la skrang.
Why that came out in BM, I do not know.
Chloe, wishing everyone a blessed early Christmas, and wishing myself a windy Christmas =D
Friday, 21 December 2007
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Junk Mails
I'm clearing my email inbox, some messages not read dating back to the 4th of April 2007.
While people get nice forwarded messages, I get lousy ones like stuff in chinese, and things like msn will be closing down or we hwve to pay 100bucks a month.
True or not, I didnt bother to check. If msn does shut down, I'll go get yahoo or gmail or something la. What's the big deal? But yeah, It's like, everyone has that email, so if I change it, some of those laggards in socialising will not be able to get me.
Back to my inbox. I had about a hundred over crap sent to my by Friendster. Currently deleting those.
Ahh~ Now I've got 60mails left.
Chloe, signing out to delete more junk mails
The Voice of a Selfish Daughter
For making me stay at home.
For depriving me of my fun.
For not letting me do batik at the art studio.
For changing your mind at the VERY LAST MINUTE.
For asking me to do my OVERDUE assignments.
For making so much noise so early in the morning.
You know I hate noise when I wake up.
So why did you complain about my clothes being all over the floor, behind the door and on the tables?
Saturday, 15 December 2007
An Empty Can And A Lighted Matchstick
What's wrong?
You're asking me what's wrong?
Let me tell you what's wrong.
I've been busy juggling between work and preparing for work.
My granduncle and grandaunt from Canada will and are staying here for about 5 days. Brought them to the new wing in Pyramid- their favourite shopping spot on Thursday and KLCC on Friday.
Jela asked me to try on a black top if I happen to go to Marks & Spencer. I did.
The stretchable cotton + lycra material is so comfortable and the cutting is almost perfect that anyone who's about 700 pounds can look so slim in it.
The black sleeveless blouse has a plunging v neck but shows the skin in a very subtle manner.
Anyway, my grandaunt paid for my Marks & Spencer crisps and a box of 'Curiously Strong Mints' while I got myself:
- an Andrea Borcelli Malaysia Edition CD
-Scary Movie DVD
-December issue L!ME magazine.
-an MNG blouse
-and a L'Occitane Lavender bath gel for my aunt.
I think I'm getting used to Andrea Borcelli's music.
Let me test your imaginations...
Ok, imagine a can of baked beans.
Done that?
Now imagine that you empty that can of baked beans.
Remember to wash the can clean.
Get a metal spoon from the drawer.
Got it?
Now, knock the can with your metal spoon. Can you hear the hollowness?
Yeah, that is how Clo's brains is feeling now.
Don't forget to add in a lighted match inside that can because her memory card can't be read and she can't uplosd her photos she took when Pam was serving last week.
Chloe, looking for the baked beans she misplaced.
Friday, 30 November 2007
Everyone lower down your voices.
I got a call from a friend.
Continue staying silent for a minute please.
*moment of silence for a minute*
Dear Friend,
Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your dear father.
Although I never met him, I know how much he meant to you.
The death of someone who has been important in your life always creates an absence. I am very sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry I can't make it later too.
Job Vacancy
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Chloe's Ultimate Change
Try again.
Give up?

Yes! I did!!! I bought Whitney Houston- The Ultimate Collection!!!
I'm on top of the worlddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kinda la.
Soooooooo like her songs, so like her voice.
And guess what? She's coming to MALAYSIA for the LIVE & LOUD!!!!!
I told my mum.
Her reply was just a mere "So?"
I was dumbfound. I was nonplus.
After all my enthusiasm, she just said "so?"
Anyway, my sem1 finals are finally over. I'll be looking up for some extra courses to join during my hols. You know, just to kill not actually killing time, but doing it with something useful. Gosh, I've changed!
Chloe, listening to One Moment In Time
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Clo Misses Everything
Finals next week.
She misses blogging.
She misses the times when she had alot to tell you.
Now she is like... empty.
She doesn't know what to say already.
Chloe, signing out to call Pik Wah.
Friday, 9 November 2007
The Two Cuzzies
Anyway, Charmak and Leah, both 13 and 11 have some sort of thing that they can games out of practically anything.
They saw my stack of rubber bangles and my cocacola tin bottle and started throwing the bangles to masuk into the bottle. They’re playing this now.
Just now they took m stack of Spongebob trading cards and created their own game. 1 person will hold all the cards. The other will pick one out and look at it. So the person holding the whole stack of cards will look at her stack and mention what is missing -.-
Full of shit la both of them ^^
Now the both of them are reading this, obviously oblivious that I'm talking to the mass internet audience.
"Who are you talikng to?"
"Ehyeeer, tell me~"
*silence except for the sound of my keyboard and Cliff Richard's Ocean Deep*
EEEeee not nice... suitable for emo moods la... Which I hardly am nowadays.
I'm a happy gurl...
Chloe, continuing to be happy.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Kick My Butt
I'm typing from the art studio in Puchong. Cool! I'm just hoping the owner of the wireless network doesn't disconnect it.
Anyway, Wei Vern and I met up just now to do assignments. Jasvin didn't appear so we told GG that she didn't have to come.
As pissed as we were, we decided to meet again on Friday at McDs , Taipan to finish up the presentation which will be due next week! Gosh!
So we went back without any work done. So much on my mind, so little space.
I waited or the bus to arrive. And waited. And waited. And waited.
Alas! The bus came!
I went up the bus and asked the driver who drove bus number T523.
"Ada pegi Taipan ah"
"Taipan, tada."
So I went off the bus and sat back at the bus stop.
Seconds passed by. I started kicking myself on the arse.
Why the hell did I want to go Taipan for?
Chloe, signing out to watch Pingu.
A 'Classical' Move?
Don't really know why. I normally sit down on the sofa and watch tv, but since the weather in Malaysia has been so cold, I would rather curl up with a book to read.
*dials 999*
"Hello? my kawan-kawan already pengsan after reading my blog"
"Nooo~ I mana boleh send racun online wan?"
*pause again*
"Cakap? I tak cakap apa-apa pun. I only kata that I rela duduk on the sofa and baca buku aje"
But there is one teensey weensey problem. I'm taking like, forever to finish up Pride and Prejudice. My aunts advised me to speed read then read the book all over again but I don't like reading somthing I don't understand so for each sentence I don't understand, I'll read it over and over again. That's why the time taken to read A BOOK is so long.

But it is seroiusly nice. Try reading it.
Chloe, leaving to read Pride and Prejudice
Monday, 5 November 2007
Fashion 101
To start of with, I'm not a person who buys Sungei Wang clothes each time thay have new stock, but I buy clothes that I feel comfy in. So, Fashion 101 is nothing about the latest trend. It's more to minor fashion 'don't's which I observe from people I know, or walked past, and put them in words.
I think.
Here goes:
1) When you are wearing bareback right down to your waist, PLEASE DON'T wear a colour stained bra. Put on those silicon thingies (I have no clue what the name is but yeah,) put those two sticky things on. Or put on a black bra one if you have none.
2) Never wear a sleeveless top if you have not had your...
*help me think of not so crude words*
underarms shaven! Migosh, that day I was at this shopping centre then a lady... nevermind. Nothing. Nothing at all.
3) Dress your age. As much as you like frills and lace and floral prints on your chiffon blouse, please don't wear it if you're not 50.
4) Collar tees and Bohemian-gypsy skirts don't match. AT ALL.
5) Mini skirts and big tees don't match either.
6) Please throw out the jeans that your mum passed to you from the 80s that goes right up to your stomach/beneath your boobs.
These pants may look like skinny jeans, but please, the cutting is so obvious. Skinny jeans are tight, 'MOM Pants' aren't.
They're loose and then traps your ankles at the bottom.
Ok, if you still want to wear them, there is one solution:
Wear a longer top. Don't wear those that ends right at the belt area-which is at your belly button.
I'm sorry if I have offended anyone's fashion sense in any way. The above are just stuff that comes across my head when I see any faux pax. But not to worry, my eyes are blinded when it comes to friend's outfits. Serious, I can't seem to be able to see anything wrong with friend's outfits.
Chloe, signing out, leaving for Petaling Street and KLCC in an hour or so.
Shopping 101 -Part 1
When you have reached your destined floor after a nice and smooth escalator ride, NEVER, EVER stay stationary and take your own sweet time to decide
"Hmmm, which way should I go? The east or the west? Left of right?"
If you can't make up your mind, then let me help you.
Just go straight and stop blocking the damn way. Nevermind if you want to get banged by those people or shopping trolleys behind you, but the people behind you do not want to get squashed between their trolle and another trolley behind them.
Move forward. Take a north, then decide. Don't ever stay stationary upon reaching the end of the escalator.
Think of other people's butts to. If you want to get yours squashed, go stand in between the lift's doors. Squashed butt guaranteed.
If you do not intend to buy clothes, do not go to people's outlets, put on their clothes and snapping them with your camera.
That is downright stealing.
Indirectly of course.
It's like entering a store, bringing out a camera and asking the clothes to pose on the hanger and snap pictures. Of course, without getting caught.
However if you want to try it on and let your mum or sibling see how you look when you reach home because they werent there with you, then I guess it is a diffrent story. That is if you decide to purchase it.
Lydia Teh, Malysian writer also mentioned something likr that in one of her books.
If you see something you really like, buy it.
If it costs 100 times more than you expected then put it down.
However if it is something you know you will never ever find it elsewhere, dont hesitate to spend a little more. It is worth every single penny if you really like it.
How to make your items more value for your money after buying them:
If you buy a tee that costs about RM50, wear it for at least 50 times to that you'll be spending about RM1 a day on that tee. The more times you wear it, the better. If you wear it for 100 times, it'll only cost you RM0.50 each time you wear it. if you wear it more than 500 times, well then, the tee is practically free!
Although it may cost you more than a year to make your tees worth, and by that time probably the collar is all stretched and colour faded, you still can wear them at home, or use it as a floor cloth. It is still counted-as long as you use it.
So who says RM50 for a tee costs alot?
If you want t throw away an old,spoilt electrical appliant,
open everything up.
*blink blink*
What? Have not you wondered which wire crosses to what thingy that connectes to that green thingay that generates that thingamajiggy?
Or is it just me?
Okie, here's part 1 for shopping 101.
Will post more if I can think of any.
Chloe, getting ready for Petaling Street and KLCC in 2 1/2 hours time.
Saturday, 3 November 2007
Dear Anonymous Spammer,
To you who have nothing to do,
please bore yourself with something else,
like bang your head on the wall,
bang the wall on your head.
Either way,
it'll work great.
I did think of snapping,
back at you anonymously,
but then I decided;
that I will not
be like you,
typing rubbish,
using other people's
for the sake of it.
Hence this haiku.
I am being very kind
for not
asking you to get a life,
because I believe you
I understand;
as boring as life can get,
the way to kill boredom
is to not:
create conflict
between two or more friends.
Therefore, please mind:
your business,
and stop.
using other people's names,
reveal yourself;
if you have the guts.
Thank you for being so understanding, Anonymous Spammer.
The owner of Fireworks Are Beautiful, Chloe.
Embarrassingnyer ><
My teacher was asking if we will be embarrassed to show our marks if we didn’t do well for our papers.
“Adakah kamu ada *****” my Chinese teacher asked a girl.
Translation: “(Will you be embarrassed? Do you have any ‘embarrassment’ in you)?”
Have you figured what the *****s are yet?
Ok, here’s the clue.
Setia is to Loyal.
Loyalty is to Kesetiaan.
Malu is to Embarass
Embarrassment is to …?...
Go figure.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Hi Bye
I've listened to Rudklao Amratisha's 'Ultimate Collection' and I've come to the conclusion that her voice isnt the type I would like to listen to. It's just so... high pitched and squeaky. Too sweet for my liking.
Currently listening to Full House OST.
Leaving for college in 20 minutes so I better go offline now.
I purposely came online to tap a few words down, just in case you people miss me or something.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
To Ponteng Or Not To Ponteng,
It's now 1.54pm and where am I now?
In the IT lab. I am so sick of fundamental photography class.
We are allowed to
-listen to music
-walk in and out of the classroom
-go to class late
for fundamental photography class.
What more can I ask for?
Pontenging a class without a challenge has no kick to it. It's no fun. Serious.
It's like going in and out of your room and sooner or later it's something you wouldn't really realize and take it for granted until your door actually spoils and you can't enter then you would realize how much you took your door for granted.
Makes sense?
It doesn't to me either.
Bottomline is that where there is a challenge in doing something bad, it's fun.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a good girl ya know?
Ok, it is officially 2pm and my class starts like, NOW.
Hey, Nana is sitting behind me! I heard her sandy voice.
Hello Nana!!!
She'll be going to class at 2.30.
Should I follow?
Maybe I shouldnt.
I could.
I don't want to.
Aha! It's a yes! That means I should get to class late. HAHA!!
All right, I'll go pack my bags and file and go to class now.
Damn, what am I doing?
Ok, told you I am a good girl.
I don't wanna go to classss~!!!!!
I shall stop crapping before more people dodge rotten eggs at me.
Jela!!! I'm wearing the PHUNK tee now. Can you see? =D
Chong that day ask me about it. About 5 days ago I think. Izit, Chong?
Chloe, being a good girl, will sign out and head straight to class on the 6th floor and not go down from the 3rd floor to Ground then go up to the 11th floor and then baru only to the 6th. She will go to class stright.
2.11pm now. Already 11 minutes late.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Remind me to leave the comp as soon as possible because I've got to hit the gym early in the morning.
Remind me to reload enough to pay back Jin.
Remind me to bring the 20 bucks for Jela.
Remind me to study for masscomm and marketing.
Remind me to stop reminding myself, but actually get things done(or not).
Every year I tell myself that I won't be going for the Christmas party, but every year, I end up turning out for the party and lip sync-ing the Christmas carols.
I don't feel like going, but part of me says that I have to go.
Lazy la, wanna socialize. So many people will be there at the same time.
Remind me to quit complaining.
Awaken from a Hiatus
*ducks a flying tomato and rotten egg*
Nobody misses me meh? =(
Ok lah I know I haven't been updating. I'm busy
And it has. Yippie!
I finally added 3 (note: THREE) movies to my stunted collection. The last movie I bought was She's The Man starring Amada Bynes.
I've added Casanova, Meet The Fockers and It's A BoyGirl Thing to the collection.
Haha, super old movies, eh?
I've got so little movies I can even type them out here and embarass myself.
Here I go:
She's The Man,
The Joy Luck Club(vcd+ cover gone missing)
Laugh. Go on, laugh at my pathetic collection.
Fyi, I don't buy pirated ones, so I rather not own anything at all.
I'm into songs that I don't understand.
I've got a list of French, Spanish, Latin and Korean songs in my playlist(and handphone) and I've recently added Thai songs to the list. I wanted to buy Dome's cd but it was out of stock. Disappointed, I asked the guy to recommend another alternative. End up buying Thailand's Feel Good Greatest Hits and a Rudklao Amratisha(pronounced as Rud-kao A-ma-rish) cd. Not bad. She's got a sweet voice. I think.
Haven't actually listened to the whole cd yet. To be honest, I've only listened to one track.
Maybe just one line of the first track.
Or perhaps just the beginning music.
Argh, I don't know lah.
Will tell you what kind of voice she has when I've listened to it.
Currently listening to Vanessa Hudgens' Afraid.
When someone has a good voice, nomatter what they sing, their songs will turn out good.
Take Whitney Houston for example. Damn her life at the moment but she has a good voice.
Celine Dion is also a good example.
Faith Hill...
Kelly Clarkson...
Miriam Yeung...
I don't really fancy female voices but theirs is good. As for guy's, I'll still stick to my opinion that Lam Fung has a sexy voice. It's nice. Soothing...
Normally I buy soundtracks of nice movies. Let's see what soundtrack does my shelf have...
The Lizzie McGuire Movie OST
The Sound of Music OST
All About Men (weird name, but this is a compilation of TVB themesongs sung by the male stars)
Princess Hours OST
and 3 of Il Divo's cds.
I officially embarassed myself on my own blog. Damn. Wait till my collection grows, I'll
Kay, maybe not.
Chloe, signing out to listen to Rudklao Amratisha
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Pic-less Post
Pei Yannnnn~ How am I gonna get my organizer back? Ok, help me check, do I have anything on on the 10th of Oct(which is tomorrow) apart from 'Level 3'? Gosh~
You see, I left my organizer in her car when we went to Sungei Wang last, last Saturday when I thought that she'll fetch us (Pris, Sarah and I) back to Sentral. Didn't know that there was a monorail right in front of the mall. Hey, why didn't we think of going to Pavilion instead?
Anyway, my aunt soooo wanted to go, so we went the next day. NOOOOOOOOooooo~
Don't remind me. I didn't want to blog about it because I wanted to upload those pics~
Back to work. Three subjects, four assignments.
Chloe, keeps all papers, resumes Steps. Wait la, I finish my series first before doing my assignments.
Sleep Is Good, Chloe Is in a Bad mood
There's much better things to do apart from coming online and click blindly on the mouse.
Yes, I do remember that blogging is a way to kill boredom but the damn thing can't be accessed so I geram so I don't blog lor. Instead, I found a great past time!
You see, nowadays, with the blue moon in the sky, I sleep at 11pm. My
Besides all that, my memory card can't be read and all the nice photos can't be uploaded.
Ugh. I even had to ask for permission from my photography lecturer if I can hand in my double assignments after raya.
I'm on a two week study break and it's back to classes for me the week after next.
If any of you can't get me next week, try getting me on this number: +66896920507.
If you still can't get me on that number then wait la, leave me a message on my digi.
I've finally bought Steps, a TVB series I mentioned a few posts before.
I feel like finding fault with someone. Who's brave enough to say hello to me?
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Visas and Games
If they see your face, they like you, your visa to enter the country is approved. If they don’t like you, they’ll just cook up with some other excuse and deny your entry into the country.
It came out in the papers that a group of online gamer’s visas were rejected due to some reason. One of the guys is Gerrard who happens to be in my Intro To MassComm class.
He said that they asked about his family, his background and stuff and in the end they told him “Oh, you can’t enter US because there are possibilities that you’ll work in the country” even though he provided all the documents that he is a student of SEGi College.
Then how come the people they approved to enter the country became?
Back to the first line I typed. I don’t mean to group them all and not the whole country are the latter. I’m just saying the group of them who disapproved the gamers’ visa. Please lah, people want to make the country proud. Let them lah.
Another group of people I want to praise are the bunch of Malaysians who diss Nicol David when she lost one game to I-can’t-remember-who in I-can’t-remember-what-game.
Ok, she lost, so what? She stinks?
Then what about her achievement to make herself the no.1 player?
When she wins, the whole country says “Ohhh… she’s from Malaysia! She’s where I come from…I am sooo proud”
And when she loses ONE game, it’s like the country disowns her.
Shouldn't we encourage her or something?
Don’t let me get started with Lee Chong Wei, badminton player.
Chloe, leaving.
Saturday, 29 September 2007
Mirror, Indian Guy, Mirror...
Everytime I see a mirror, I’ll either stroke my hair so that the baby hair won’t fly around but in vain or either I’ll go upclose and squash the hell lot of blackheads outta my nose. If you're around me, try to notice.
Oookayyy... One trivia about me bocored.
Remember I think I told some of you about the Indian guy I met at the hospital last year while jagaing my grandma?
The one who’s mother slept on the beside my grandma’s?
The guy who rode his motorbike to the hospital to look after her everyday?
The guy who talked to me and also temaned me through a night when I was on duty to look after my grandma?
The guy who boasted he represented his school for who knows what?
Yeah, that guy.
Remember him?
Me neither. Not even how he looks like.
Chloe, sign..... Lookie here, a mirror! Heyyyyyy what't this black spot doin on my nose?
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Long Time No Update!
I haven't updated since Sunday!
Must update!
Must update!!
Must update!!!
Must update!!!!
Must update!!!!!
Must not leave readers in
I dunno... darkness? disappointment? boredom?
Must tell them everything!
I Must Updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okie! updated.
Screw me so many times.
Nanananana~ I go drink water on Friday, you siap.
Another pembuli is B3. Dahlah caci Chelsea like shit, now wanna kutuk my Bolton who is/who are/which is/which are top 5 from the bottom.
Damn. Screw my English.
Chloe, rolls up sleeve
I have a helllotta people's heads to flush in the toiletbowl now.
Sunday, 23 September 2007
Wow, second post.
I want to buy...

Starring Bernice Liu and Steven Ma. Whole series will be out by October and that's when I will GRAB IT from the store. Maybe I should pre-book it first. Remind me to do so.
I dyed my hair red. Red-ish purple.
With a tinge of brown.
Will show you when I get the chance.
Now, I'm bored so I'll go write a story on toilet paper for kids to 'fight constipation among the young' and name my toilet paper book - Poody Tales. Co-written by Wong.
Chloe, going to write Poody Tales.
Out From The Handphone
1) You are friends with a person who mixed up the 20th of September with the 4th of October. She thought she had to hand it up the next day and started to panic and think of whatever excusesto give her lecturer padahl she only had to hand in the Photography assignments two weeks later.
2) Whoever is looking for a singer that can melt the hearts of many, please look for this guy by the name of Shahrilldlan. He can sing beautiful melodious songs and made a number of girls to fell prey into his trap.
He made me love this song, Gerimis Mengundang, especially the part 'terasa diri, amat terhina, kau lakukan'.
Don't know the actual meaning of the song but it has a very nice touching tune to it.
People like
Okie, going to Pyramid with Pris and Pei Yan tomorrow. No Sarah because she's got class. Aww... Sarah, don't cry...there's always the 29th of September and KLCC innit?
Here's an early birthday wish for you, Pris
Many many happie returns =)
I've got so much to say, so little in my brains now. Once I stop blogging, I tend to 'lose touch' of blogging and somehow have nothing to blog about. Remember the days where I used to have about three posts a day?
I guess those can compensate for the days I haven't been blogging this month.
I've got to get used to blogging again. I want to open my pages and read them years later and reminiscise about how I grew up,
how I grew throughout these few years, how I spelt remnisence wrongly, how my thoughts were, how I looked at the world during that point of time, what I liked. I want them all registered. I want them to be remembered. I want to be remembered.
Not in the way our prime ministers are remembered nor the way some people that gave a bad impression to others.
I want to be remembered in the way I remember my friends.
I want to be remembered in my own special way.
The Chloe way.
Chloe, signing out.
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Happie Burfday Gracie's Peisee
Big girl musn't be naughty.
Musn't annoy people.
Musn't be irritating.
Must be a good girl.
Must thank everyone for the prezzies they gave you.
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Multi-tasking In Class
I need to hand in my assignments tomorrow.
Zoom in:
Read my
[Esclamation markS]
This is what I will be doing tomorrow:
Monday, 17 September 2007
Tell you a joke.
A damn funny one.
Some people have heard of it. Some haven't. Those who haven't, here goes:
Show you something...

Road Brain Blocked
I have writer's block.
I have writer's block.
I have writer's block.
I have writer's block.
Pris had the idea of starting a blog for Kompeni Elephant.
Sheer geniuses(spelled correctly?). She left. Sarah left too. Leaving me here. While I have a writer's block.
I saw a car in a ditch. Saw people I knew existed around it. But I didn't stop to help. Because my mum drove past them.
It's 12.30am now. I woke up about 2 hours ago after sleeping at 8pm.
Mind's abit wobbly.
No music to listen to. Bored of 'V' already. Imagine listening to it non stop. After the last song, I played back the song again. And again. And again.
Damn I need something to do.
Fotography assignments! Due this Thursday! Shit! Poo! Shit! Poo!
Chloe, going to finish her work.
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Hey You!
I just don't give a shit on what you think about me.
Friday, 14 September 2007
A Mini Battle
He took a wooden spoon and a wooden fork shouting “char kueh teow!!! charkuehteowcharkuehteow!!!” and did the char kueh teow gesture.
I snatched the spoon from one hand and next, we were spoon n fork fighting...
*zeeeoww zzeeeoowwwwnnggg*
…ala Star Wars punyer laser fight style. Then things became physical. We started fighting ala fencing style. Of course, my hands are longer so always kena him so the buzzer keeps on buzzing so the points go to moi.
Afraid that the wooden cutleries will rosak, I snatched them from Marcus and kept them.
That kid still wanted to fight so I grabbed both of his hands and started to step on his feet.
The onlookers (other kids) at this point were laughing their hearts out as if we were some kinda entertainers or something. I guess it looked like one of those wacky dances. I don't know =/
“OI! YOUTHINK YOU ARE IN MARKET IZZIT?!” Ms Khor, the art teacher shouted from her office, oblivious to what is going on, thinking that the kids were playing.
Marcus, who switched from annoying to innocent, did the ‘shhh’ sign to me and I did the same 'shhh', pretending nothing happened.
Chloe, thinking of ways to get back at Marcus. Muahahaha
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
The First Survey Done
Know what made me write the 'Headlines:Something Happened' post?
I think I am going to be a Vanessa Hudgens fan.
I am one bored girl who's rotting at home. Eeww... What's this green thing? *flicks it from finger*
As I said, I'm one bored girl who has been listening to 'V' about 10 times around the clock.
I just changed the CD to HSM2 soundtrack.
It's boring. Except for Gotta Go My Own Way, Bet On It and Everyday.
Was blog hopping while typing this. Found something to do... A survey from one of the bloggers linked to KC's list.
1. Grab the nearest book to you, turn to page 18 and find line 4.
The company was hiring a security officer.
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
Ouch. Bang the wall.
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Watching That's So Raven at the moment counted?
4. If you were give a chance, name 5 person whom you wish to meet and talk to.
The list goes longer than 5 people.
5. Without looking guess what time is it?
10.45pm. Or maybe 11 something
6. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
7. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
Raven & Chelsea talking, 'You Are The Music In Me' and Suria flushing the toilet. Fridge. Cars outside. I'm living in quite a noisy suburb.
8. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
Just now. Tuition. *zips mouth*
9. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
Blogs, hp, oih, be specific larh.
10. What are you wearing?
Black 3quarts, black tee. My purple turned black Adidas watch.
11. Did you dream last night?
That my students were annoying me. Talk about nightmare. But I heart my students. A cute lot of 8,9 and 10 year olds.
12. When did you last laugh?
Just now. At the thought of my kids. Ahem. Students la tu.
13. What are on the walls you are in?
Pictures my mum brought back from the England home many years ago.
14. Seen anything weird lately?
This survey?
15. What do you think of this survey?
16. What is the last film you saw?
Premier of HSM2 on Sunday? Ahahah. Laugh. Go laugh.
17. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you do or buy?
18. Tell me something about you that I don't know.
What don't you know? Did you know I had a blog? Ahah! You didn't, didn't you?
19. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt and politics, what would you do?
K la, maybe give a piece of my mind to the darn parents who complain about me when they have never seen me teach. That will definitely change the world.
20. George Bush...
Is a name I hear everywhere and someone I don't know, I don't care, and don't give a shit about.
21. Imagine your first child a boy, what do you call him?
Dunno... A random name I picked up.
22. Imagine your first child a girl, what do you call her?
Another random name picked up. But it sounds nice.
23. You ever consider living abroad?
Duhhh~ Go back to England laa... but no, I'll stay back here because Malaysiaku Gemilang.
Chloe, signing out, boredom cured by about 3%
Song Addictions
Another song addiction:
Headlines: Something Happened
I don't give a shit if I am naïve or not.
I don't give a shit on what you think.
I don't give a shit if anything happens to whoever on whatever day for whatever reason.
I don't give a shit on almost anything.
It doesnt concern my hard heart.
Yes, I may pity them but what else can I do? If I grief for them, will they spring back to life again?
If I cry my heart out will their family be happy?
I am a cold hearted freak, if that concerns you.
I held back my tears of sorrow when I got back my UPSR results. 2As and 3Bs when I expected to get at least 4As. I thought to myself 'there's no use crying. Tears won't change my results' and tears won't earn pity from the examiners' hearts.
And I held on to that principle till now. I learnt to 'berubah mengikut keadaan' (change according to situations) or a better known phrase 'adapt to new situations.'
I miss my late grandmother more than ever.
Thinking about her makes me cry.
Looking at the things she gave me makes me miss her even more.
Looking at myself and thinking how she moulded me to become what I am now makes me smile.
On her birthday, the 25th of August, I recalled what we did exactly 2 years ago. I looked at the pictures in my computer... smiling... blowing candles... cutting a 0.5kg blackforest cake... eating cake, everyone in the picture oblivious to the future...not knowing that that will be her last birthday.
She left us on the 11th of August. Exactly 2 weeks before her birthday.
Bottomline is reminiscence is not a bad thing, but too much of it will take over your life. So why bother recollecting the memories of the sad past instead of looking ahead?
I've learnt to move on. Why can't you?
Chloe, wondering who you are.
Tag! You're It!
Now I've got nothing to say.
Hey... waddaya know. I got tagged. TANKIU CHONG. >: /
1. The tag victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time, there is NO need to do this again.
5. Lastly, and most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.
*direct copy from Eric's blog.
**copied directly from Chong's blog.
Kay... I'll get to the point:
1)Strictly male. Transvestites and Girl-Turn-Guy not included.
2)Has a nice tan.
3)Must allow me to go out and work. Must not make me a housewife.
8)Aihyo dunno lah. Chong. Why the questions so hard wannn? You give me Addmaths maybe easier.
*recalls fungsi, sin, kos & tan, graf kekerapan lawan longokkan crap*
OK... I take that back.
Either the creator of this tag thingy is tad bored or a kepochi. Chong? Can I tag u back? Aihyaa... no point...(see rule number 4)
Chloe, TAG! YOU'RE IT!
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
A Far Away Wish
She's a little girl who lives in the prestigious hotel, The Plaza with her British Nanny, her dog that looks like a cat, Weenie, her sneaker wearing turtle, Skipperdee.
Which little girl can create so much havoc in the hotel premises itself but Eloise?
I've got sem break this week. Please tell me what to do if not I'll spend my time sleeping.
I think the name Eh-lo-Is is cute. It's like 'Ello, Is'...
It is official. Vanessa Hudgen's songs aren't catchy. Not to say that they're not nice... but just not catchy.
To those people who SMSed Mary, you made her cry. She was deeply touched that people still remember her birthday.
This is for you, LaLa:
Happie Birthday, La La!!!
I know how it feels to be so far from home and friends and when they remember your birthday, it's like... so touching...
It makes you feel not unimportant. It makes you feel important. Like 'although I'm not there but you still remember me'.
Those who forgot Mary's birthday, quickly sms her (eventhough it's the 12th, 13th or 14th) and cook up some excuse like
'my brains died on me on your birthday'
'my hp dropped in the toilet bowl so I thought it was rude to wish you a happy birthday with poop'
'my calendar tells me that today is the 11th!' (and stick to that excuse to the end)
because you can't go like 'Hey, I didn't sms you on your birthday because I couldn't decide what to say to you. Now that I have, it's not your birthday anymore.'
Chloe, wishing all those Sept 11 Birthday Girls and Boys far and near a HAPPY BIRTHDAY because my calendar says that it is your birthday today.
Monday, 10 September 2007
Today, I... Went to Mid Valley to get me friend's prezzies.
Pris's is around the corner.
Remember how I used to rant about High School Musical, and High School Musical 2?
I am one disappointed fan.
I hate it that I'm saying this, but HSM2 SUCKS!
The whole movie is just... substanceless.
Although I like the song sung by Gabriella- Gotta Go My Own Way.
Lyrics at the bottom of the page.
I bought myself Vanessa Hudgen's V
and the HSM2 soundtrack.
Why? Because Vanessa has a nice voice.
Why? Because HSM2 sucks.
Vanessa is pretty. She is one real rojak. Her mother is a Filipino, Chinese and Latin, while her father is Irish American Indian.
Thank you, people for the hugs! Appreciate it =)
Oh, I couldn't post this up because yeah, I mentioned before...connection prob.
On the 8th of September 2007 was Jela's birthday.
I can't believe you are 19. I mean... 19 is like... 1 more year to 20! Twenty is like... adult... Whoa!
I still remember you 'jagaing' me when I was 4.
I still remember u telling me all about secondary school...
I still remember you bringing Mary and I over to SMK USJ8 one day when SK Seafield 3 had their sports day.
I still remember telling you "I can't believe you're 16"
Time flies.
Chloe, signing out to listen to her new CDs.
Friday, 7 September 2007
BM Kid's Mum
Me: No.
Ok, I’m a nice person, so I did. I was freakin tired of all the running arounds this afternoon because
1) I didn't bring the mounting board to hand up my assignments
2)Popular doesn't have any more mounting boards left.
3)MPH doesn't have any mounting boards either
4)The photo shop can't read my thumbdrive
5)Thank goodness my mum gave me a call and she happens to be around the corner so she fetched me to Taipan.
6)Stupid photo shop charged me RM14 to develop an 8R picture
7)I had to wait for an hour
8)It was 1.05pm.
9) Class starts at 2pm I walked around and entered Video Ezy.
Me to the man behind the counter: Do you by any chance have 'Vanessa Hudgens' cd?
Man Behind Counter: Sorry Out of Stock.
Me:O.o WAAAHHHHHHH..... So popular until like that...
MBC: Yeah
Me: How about HSM2 soundtrack?
MBC: Sorry, that too is out of stock.
Yes, I asked for HSM2 soundtrack because I have my reasons. If you want to think that I'm so crazy over HSM then it's up to you. I have no rights to change your opinion even if you refuse to think that it's(HSM soundtrack) for
Those of you who don't know,
Back to the topic...
In the beginning there were about 18 people for the BM class but since school teachers aren’t allowed to teach, the school/tutor left and the class shrunk in the hands of another tutor to about 5 people. Guess how many students appeared?
There were only 3 students.
OK lor, so I still did pemahaman with them. Then at the end of the class, a mother came in to pick her daughter up.
Me: I’m taking over their BM tutor for today because she had something urgent going on.
Student’s mother: YOU ah?
I was about to explode at that ungrateful mother whose daughter is super quiet and doesn’t answer any questions I ask.
You could at least say a small thank you or a smile to show your gratitude which you, I’m sorry to say, have none.
Chloe, being grateful to each and every one of her blog readers,
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Genius Photographer -__-
...have finally finished my photography ASSignments and it is a real relieve to know that I don't have to take anymore portraits because I totally suck at it. Either the nice pictures are blur or the blur pictures are nice, not to mention I tend to cut off the top part of the head for 'Head Shot' or cut off AT LEAST ONE side of the fella's shoes for 'Full Length'.
So it wasn't an easy task for me when my freelance photographer uncle squashed my confidence by saying the pictures I showed him weren't good due to lighting, blah blah blah,especially when I thought I was the best photographer. There you go... My photography ego went from as high as the clouds dropped like a missile to the ground.
Currently listening to Raymond Lam Fung's 'Ling Wui' which means something like 'realize'. Dunno... Jela told me wan. Or was it Cacing who told me?
Chloe, got to go sleep... A round of RPM with her aunt tomorrow morning *faints*
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
TVB's Latests-07
Wtf I can't read Chinese. Banana Alert.
Those without English titles means.. belum keluar lah...
A Change Of Destiny
Steven Ma, Benny Chan, Shirley Yeung, Selena Li, Paul Chun
Best Bet
Michael Tse, Linda Chung, Anne Heung, Wayne Lai, Kwok Fung, Lee Fung
The Slicing Of The Demon
Sunny Chan, Bernice Liu, Michael Tse, Angela Tong, Gor Wah, Sherming Yiu
Phoneix Rising
Louisa So, Crystal Tin, Leila Tong, Sunny Chan, Ben Wong, Chan Man Na
Adam Cheng, Gigi Lai, Chung King Fai, Kenny Wong, Eddie Kwan
The Master Of Tai Chi
Vincent Zhao, Raymond Lam, Melissa Ng, Myolie Wu, Kenneth Ma, Selena Li
Devil's Disciples
Kevin Cheung, Bosco Wong, Bernice Liu, Sharon Chan
Heavenly In Laws
Joey Leung, Nancy Sit, Linda Chung, Yuen Wah
The Drive Of Life(on Astro On Demand)
Charmaine, Raymond, Myolie, Jessica, Ron, Joe, Damien,Sharen, Chen Bao Guo, Chen Kun, etc...
Wong Hei, Moses Chan, Bowie Lam, Ada Choi, Maggie Siu, Gigi Lai
Steven Ma, Bernice Liu, Wayne Lai, Claire Yiu, Kate Tsui
Dayo Wong, Yep Tong, Vivien Yeo
Heart Of Greed
Moses Chan, Bosco Wong, Raymond Lam, Yoyo Mung, Tavia Yeung, Linda Chung
Bowie Lam, Charmaine Sheh, Lam Ka Wah, Lai Lok Yi, Matthew Ko
Ada Choi, Bernice Liu, Shirley Yeung, Joyce Kot, Anne Heung, Joe Ma
Roger Kwok, Margie Tsang, Kenneth Ma, Sonija Kwok
Fathers And Sons
Bobby Au Yeung, Yoyo Mung, Wong Hei
On The First Beat
Ron Ng, Sammul Chan, Joey Yung, Michael Tao, Sonija Kwok, Kate Tsui
The Seventh Day
Keving Cheung, Niki Chow, Bosco Wong
The Family Link
Sheren Tang, Kiki Sheung, Cecilia Yip, Leila Tong, Michael Tse, John Chiang
Life Art
Kevin Cheng, Gigi Lai, Paul Chun, Astrid Chan, Evegreen Mak, Natalie Tong
The Brink of Law
Steven Ma, Ron Ng, Bernice Liu, Kate Tsui
The Ultimate Crime Fighter
Yuen Biao, Moses Chan, Kevin Cheng, Gigi Lai, Yoyo Mung, Maggie Siu
Ok, just posting these up here to share with those who are interested and to those who aren't, scroll down. Oh, too late. It is already the end of this post.
The End of Malaysia Mega Sales '07
Tell my parents that:
I'm not a hoarder.
I am waiting for HSM2 to be premiered on the 9th of September.
I can't wait for the release of HSM's vcd/dvd whichever comes first.
I am going to buy HSM and HSM2 soundtracks.
I am an 18 year old girl who watches HSM.
Got a problem with that?
I want that Fila bag I saw in Summit. IT WAS ON SALE! RM29 ONLY! Now no more sale which means no more bag =(
I want that pink Fila shoe. RM29. Refer above.
I want a new Sony Ericsson camera handphone. No model in particular. My hp camera died on me.
I want to dye my hair red. Cacing's hair colour is nice. It's red-brown.
I want more tees please. I've run out of them.
I want an ipod. Doesn't have to be expensive. The normal mp3 ipod would do. Pink please.
I want many many siblings. So that I can have more freedom.
I want to get over and done with the stupid undang test and drive.
I want to get the new TVB series Steven Ma and Bernice are acting in.
Steven Ma is a good actor. Each time I watch him on telly with diffrent female co-stars, he matches so well with them. He gives me a sense of security.
Wong Hei too.
Raymond Lam gives me the feeling of being loved.
That's what I think these actors look like inside.
But of course, they are ACTORS afterall... One can never decipher an actor. They are all just... acting.
Like Kevin told me that his friend was appointed to be Wong Hei's chaffeur during his stay in Malaysia and little did he(Kev's friend) know that Wong Hei was full of 'colourful' words.
I guess it's the same as Vanessa Hudgens. Zac Efron was quoted saying "beneath the sweet girl(Gabriella) is one sexy woman" or something like that. Saw in Galaxie mag.
Kay... Perhaps I'll go for a round of bowling tomorrow with Alfie and the gang... Depends on what time I wake up... I'll see lah, malas or not.
Chloe, trying to get her bum to bed.
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Saw a post in Jin's blog where he mentioned that this guy from my high school died.
I told Siew Chuen about it. This is how our convo went:
Me:Arnold died.
SC: How?
Me:(I copypasted the paragraph frm Jin's blog)
SC:He crashed himself? Dumb
Me: ppl whr got sengaja wanna crash themselves wan.
-.-" Sweat-ed right?
Presenting Korean Food
14-Char (cuzzie)
Anyone else I missed? Please be thicked skinned to tell me because I risked my face by putting a list of people's names here and forgetting any...
Mum brought Suria and I for Korean in Taipan for Suria's birthday.
Name of the restaurant: Dai Cheung Kam.
Seriously use the Korean series to publicize the restaurant wei.
But the kimchi is delicious. I'm not so much of a kimchi fan, but theirs is superb.
Here's my Kimchi soup that came with 10 dishes.
The dessert which is actually sweetened rice.
I scooped up some rice with ice but I don't think the picture is very clear.
Today for Introduction To Mass Communication class, we learned about radio. Because radio is such a short topic, so we had to do a mini presentation.
"Pretend that you are running for president. How do you convince people to vote for you over the radio?"
I hate running for president n pengerusi n stuff so I never actually thought of it. My lecturer is like damn pantang horrible presentations so I thought I was in deep shit.
Was the second to present so I came up with this:
"Hello everybody,
My name is Chloe;
Please vote for me,
As president for the Procrastinators Society.
The greatest procrastinators,
Can be positioned as Chief Terminator
But you can have the position later,
As for I am the best procrastinator.
There will be no deadlines,
You'll have plenty of bedtimes;
If you vote for me,
As the president of the Procrastinator's Society."
Chun anot? Chun anot first?
My cikgu said I had a loud n clear voice. *ahemm*
Chloe, procrastinating her assignments and going to Korea putting on some Korean drama to watch.